Website development
Medicalcheck is a website that allows patients to book medical examination appointments, pay for medical examination programs, check booked medical examination schedules, and search for surrounding hospitals by area on a map. In addition, it also allows patients to self-diagnose the disease by answering quick questions on the website. You can receive advice and ask questions through chat channels such as chat and KakaoTalk.
- Health care
- Website
- Medical content needs to be thoroughly vetted to ensure accuracy and reliability. This is especially important in the case of self-diagnosis through quiz questions.
- Ensure interactivity by integrating chat channels, channel talk, kakaotalk, and other services that users can use.
- Secure payment gateway integration: Secure payment gateways allow patients to pay for medical services conveniently and securely.
- Ensure the website's user interface is designed to be user-friendly, easy to use, and compatible with mobile devices.
- Register as a member/login
- Schedule a medical examination
- Check the medical examination schedule that has been booked
- Search for affiliated hospitals
- Affiliate hospital map
- Test your health by answering the quiz
- Chat Chanel talk
- Chat Kakaotalk
- Pay